OUR 411th ISSUE |
Welcome to Issue 411 of OmPlace's Altwire. Please direct your submissions and suggestions to: susanp@omplace.com

Being A Meditation Teacher Is A Calling
The Meditation Teacher Academy is a licensed, post-secondary training program offering a 200-hour certificate to teach effective meditation and mindfulness practices. Delve into a distance learning curriculum and discover the history, science, and practices of meditation and mindfulness with a personal meditation coach. Then, hone your teaching skills and meditation at the 7-day Intensive held in Co. Cork Ireland or Sedona, Arizona (your choice). Rolling admissions. If you've heard the call, visit MeditationTeacherAcademy.com or call (928) 204-0067.
Sacred Geometry
Oracle Deck Sacred Geometry is the key to understanding the way the universe is designed. Called the language of light and science of compassion, its images and shapes are embedded in DNA, mandalas, pyramids, crystals and well, everything. Anyone who has ever gazed at a spider's web, meditated on a mandala or Yantra, visited a pyramid, walked a labyrinth, or peered through a microscope has felt the effects of sacred geometry. Now the Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck introduces an entirely new way for you to gain access to this wisdom and unlock its power.
The set includes a 128-page 6X9 paperback book with 64 full-color oracle cards in a beautifully boxed set for $35. See this page for more info or to order.
Fathering Families
Fathering Families assists parents struggling to secure equal time with their children after a separation or divorce. Often when parents separate, tension is heightened and it can become difficult to develop a fair agreement that is in the best interest of the child. We believe in shared parenting and that children should have the right to liberal time with both parents, if a healthy environment can be provided. We can guide you on the early steps to take and how to navigate the nuances of family law effectively with our educational resources. Contact us for a consultation or to explore our helpful guide book.
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 A Spirit Baby Talks About Free Choice
by Christine Nightingale, B.A. (Psychology) / Reiki Master, Certified Hypnotist, Aromatherapist, Spirit Baby Communicator
You need to gradually become more self-assured, more aware that
you are in control of your own destiny. Anyone can choose to float, of
course, to let the tides of life bob you back and forth.
Or you can understand that you chose this lifetime to learn certain
lessons. The most painful experiences are often the ones you learn
more from. They make you sit up and pay attention.
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 The Importance of Agni in Yoga and Ayurveda
by Ved Kovid Durgadas / Director of Arogya Ayurvedic Health Ltd
There are many forms of Agni or fire in Hinduism and in Yoga and Ayurveda of which help us maintain our various states of optimum health along all levels. These Agnis or Fires are: Jatharagni (digestive fire), Bhutagnis (agnis or the five elements; Akashagni, the ethereal fire; Vayavagni, the fire of air; Tejagni, the fire of light and heat; Jalagni, the fire of the waters and Parthavagni, the fire of the earth), Dhatvagnis (agnis of the seven tissues of the body, such as fires or agnis of the rasa or plasma, meda or fat-tissue, mamsa or muscle-tissue, majja or marrow-tissue, asthi or bone-tissue and shukra or reproductive tissue) and the Manasic Agnis or mental fires (Icchagni, the fire of will-power; Vivekagni, the fire of discrimination; Kriyagni, the fire of action and Jnanagni, the fire of knowledge). There are also several other fires, such as Suryagni or the Fire of the Sun and also the other fires of planets, gaseous and otherwise. Gemstones themselves have their agni or fires, being created from the the earth's fire itself.
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 Herbal Ally ~ The Joy of Purslane
by Susun S. Weed / Herbalist, Author, Founder of the Wise Woman Center and Ash Tree Publishing
Purslane counters depression. It is one of the five herbs - lettuce, amaranth greens, lamb's quarters greens, and watercress are the other four - richest in antidepressant substances. Purslane is a superior source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, phenylalanine, and tryptophan, all of which are known to moderate the effects of depressive brain chemicals. Purslane is loaded with nutrients. A single one-cup serving contains all the vitamin E you need in a day, as well as significant amounts of vitamin C and pro-vitamin A. Purslane is one of the very best sources of magnesium. One cup supplies your minimum daily need of 450 mg. Lack of magnesium is associated with diabetes, migraines, osteoporosis, hypertension, and asthma.
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Do you need answers about
• your life purpose?
• blocks that keep you from manifesting your life purpose or vibrant health?
• how to clear those blocks quickly and with ease?
• relationship issues?
• abundance issues?
Ask Guidance during a CLR
During a CLR (Channeled Life Reading) you speak directly with Guidance on the phone. Guidance is a non-physical group of healers, angels, ascended masters, Awakeners and teachers who work together as One to answer your questions from the perspective of your Highself. Guidance is channeled through Dr. Aaron, board certified NMD with 30+ years in natural medicine. Their work is always based in Love and never has any judgment. Distance channeled healings, channeled readings, and other services are available to assist you on your spiritual journey.
My transformation has been easier than I thought and I have much more faith, joy and love in my heart than ever before. - D.R.
Tons of sadness just poured out of me. Even in childhood I was depressed but now I feel lighter. - E.A.
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Cherub Guide to Past-life Regression. You will be warmly
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aspect of past-life regression.
For details see our website or call (928) 282-2640.
Clean Out Your LifeCloset
(Volume 1 of The Self-Development Project)
by Rev. Corbie Mitleid
"I keep getting stuck on a problem..."
"I can't get out of my own way..."
"I'm afraid I'll fail..."
"I'm just not good enough!"
All of these stressors take up space in your mind and heart. They don't help. They don't fit.
And they keep you from believing that who you already are is exactly who you ought to be.
That's why it's time to CLEAN OUT YOUR LIFECLOSET!
Clean Out Your LifeCloset sets the whole idea of "you need us to fix you" on its ear.
• Discover how Clarity is the canvas on which you can paint your new life story.
• Delight in how much abundance you already have with the idea of Simplicity: living Life as a Tiny House.
• Embrace newfound freedom learning how Adaptability means "perfection is already yours."
• Understand when Stress is your friend and teacher, instead of just the enemy you fight daily
Working with you through stories, examples, and her unique "Adventure Pages," author Corbie Mitleid encourages you to write your own story of change based on your history, your life experience, and your personal goals.
See cleanoutyourlifecloset.com for details and to order.
Inspired by
a True Story!
Listen to CJ tell the story of the
Seraphim's appearance to her in 1997
and what she's learned: See this page.
CJ Martes has spent the past 25 years touching the lives of thousands in over 50 different
countries as a spiritual teacher. Her life has been deeply rooted in supernatural experiences
since childhood. In 1997 she had an up close encounter with 13 Seraphim Angels. The
purpose of their visit was to affirm her life purpose and to tell her she would write a book
called Angel Incarnate. 15 years later, she would publish that story and fulfill their
One Birth is a race against time as human and spiritual worlds collide, leaving Catherine
caught somewhere in between. She is suddenly pushed by unknown forces toward a destiny
that she wants no part of while being challenged by her fears, disbelief, and a complete lack
of control. Step onto the roller coaster with her as she is propelled toward an unexpected
journey of discovering who she was born to be!
Official Website: angelincarnate.com.
Order from Author CJ Martes or also from Amazon. Also available on Kindle.
Spirit Babies
Most mothers understand that it is possible to communicate with the unborn child.
This does not have to stop if the pregnancy ends in miscarriage or termination. As an intuitive, I have developed the ability to help apparently infertile couples achieve their goal. They are helped to connect with the spirit of the child who was lost to them, or not yet conceived.
Before birth, babies are undoubtedly aware of their mother's and father's thoughts and feelings. They are in still the spirit realm, therefore less restricted than most humans in their field of knowing.
A couple who have suffered a miscarriage may need help in communicating with the child, which may have reasons for being afraid to come. Spirit Babies are very specific about the reasons for choosing their parents (citing interests the parents have, which they had not told me) or past life/geographical data about the parents which are relevant to the choice of parents.
Do you wish to communicate with the child you are meant to have?
My focus is helping mothers learn to communicate with their Spirit Babies (future children) after miscarriage or before conception, which is often followed by successful conception.
My new book Spirit Baby: What You Can Learn from your Future Child is now available for sale through Amazon:
Amazon US - see this page
Amazon UK - see this page
Christine Nightingale
The Visionary Art of Francene Hart
Francene Hart is an internationally recognized visionary artist whose work has been widely published in books and magazines and hangs in the homes of art collectors and the offices of healers and seekers around the planet. She was summoned by spirit in 2001 to the Big Island of Hawaii and is now painting, swimming and living her bliss in bless'ed Hawaii.
All of her images, including "Catch a Falling Star" (pictured) are available as Full Color Prints or ArtCards.
She says about this image: "I have long used images of the Divine Feminine - the Goddess in every woman. Catch a falling star ... hold a part of the Universe. It's about saving up wishes, or miracles."
Please see this page for more information or to order.