Tree of Light by Daniel B. Holeman
Visit the Spirit Card Center!
OUR 364th ISSUE |
Welcome to Issue 364 of OmPlace's Altwire. Please direct your submissions and suggestions to: susanp@omplace.com
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Creative Soul Retreat in Sedona, Arizona
Join the women’s meditation and writing retreat from December 4-6 with
best-selling author and meditation teacher Sarah McLean. Experience deep
meditation and mindfulness. Explore your imagination as you are guided into
expansive writing practices. Learn how to listen and trust your creative soul,
and transcend your inner critic. Women with any level of meditation and/or
writing experience are welcome. Program includes instruction in the SEED
Meditation method. Held at the Agave Center in Sedona. Limited space
– register now!
Sacred Geometry
Oracle Deck Sacred Geometry is the key to understanding the way the universe is designed. Called the language of light and science of compassion, its images and shapes are embedded in DNA, mandalas, pyramids, crystals and well, everything. Anyone who has ever gazed at a spider's web, meditated on a mandala or Yantra, visited a pyramid, walked a labyrinth, or peered through a microscope has felt the effects of sacred geometry. Now the Sacred Geometry Oracle Deck introduces an entirely new way for you to gain access to this wisdom and unlock its power. The set includes a 128-page 6X9 paperback book with 64 full-color oracle cards in a beautifully boxed set for $35. See this page for more info or to order.
Catch a Falling Star and other prints by Francene Hart
Francene Hart is a internationally recognized visionary artist whose work has been widely published in books and magazines and hangs in the homes of art collectors and the offices of healers and seekers around the planet. She was summoned by spirit in 2001 to the Big Island of Hawaii and is now painting, swimming and living her bliss in bless'ed Hawaii. "I have long used images of the Divine Feminine - the Goddess in every woman," Francene says. "Catch a falling star ... hold a part of the Universe. It's about saving up wishes, or miracles." All of her images, including "Catch a Falling Star" (pictured) are available as Full Color Prints or ArtCards. Please see this page for more information or to order.
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Being Outside and Inside
by Louise LeBrun / Author, Speaker, Educator and Founder of the WEL-Systems Institute
Spending time inside - in quiet and solitude - brings its own experience of movement, warmth and flow. Like finding yourself in the vast expanses of the Alaska wilderness, you don't seek out... it finds you... Like being outside renews and revitalizes, with the cold, crisp air of a January day making it impossible not to notice - 100%! - your connection to the elements, so the inside of us draws our attention, leaving an undeniable recognition of the vast inner landscapes that make us who we are.
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Devavani - Light on Sanskrit
by Yogi Baba Prem / VedicPath.com
Some refer to Sanskrit as devavani, which can be literally translated as the ‘speech of the Gods’, ‘divine speech’ or divine language’. If one allows their mind to drift back into human history or within the limited scope of recorded history, relative to language, a common theme is revealed, namely the concept of a Divine language, as this concept did appear in a variety of the worlds ancient traditions. Often the concept of a divine language is dismissed as an attempt to control the masses or extol a religious caste; yet, one must wonder could there be more to this idea of a divine language?
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Hot Colds and Cold Colds: Winter Health
by Susun S. Weed / Herbalist, Author, Founder of the Wise Woman Center and Ash Tree Publishing
Preventing colds and the flu can be summed up in three words: Wash your hands. The viruses that cause colds and the flu most readily enter our bodies by means of our hands. Wash your hands after shopping. Remind your children to wash their hands as soon as they come home from school. A little "hysterical hygiene" goes a long way to keeping colds at bay. Of course, there are herbs that can be used to help thwart colds and the flu. Yarrow is a clear favorite, especially as a tincture. Teachers, moms, and wise children find a dose of 5-25 drops of yarrow tincture in the morning in some liquid reduces the likelihood of getting sick by more than half.
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BECOME A CERTIFIED HYPNOTIST - Academy for Professional Hypnosis
Have you always wanted to learn hypnosis as an adjunct to your current profession? Join our internationally recognized nine-day intensive training in Sedona, AZ November 14-22, 2015. This expert course is fast-paced, nurturing, thorough, highly experiential, and often life-changing. Mary Elizabeth Raines, author and teacher, is recognized by the National Guild of Hypnotists as "one of the leading practitioners of the art and science of hypnotism." Tuition discount available for mentioning ByRegion or OmPlace when you call.
"Have the time of your life learning tools for a lifetime!"
For details go to our website or call 928-282-2640.
Troubling Recurring Themes
Do you have a recurring theme in your life that you would to like to understand or know how to change? Guidance can give you the insight you need in a Channeled Life Reading. When these recurring themes are painful, they frequently manifest as chronic illness, repeated patterns of difficult relationships, crushing debt, intrusive negative thoughts, and other recurring and painful events, situations and conditions; life can be overwhelming. Long ago in my practice Guidance showed me that recurring themes always have an underlying energy that most of us are largely unaware of. By clearing that energy at the source, the recurrent themes no longer manifest. The source energy includes past lives, childhood, trauma, fear, and persistent belief systems in the mass consciousness that you're having a hard time letting go of. We can help you clear underlying energy with Awakenings and Mind-Body-Sprit medicine. In all of our work there is never any judgment, there is only Love and Light. Visit our website to learn how we can assist you to enjoy the freedom and joy of manifesting the life that you desire.
Akashic Records Intensive:
Sacred Wisdom for Transformation
March 13th ~ 25th, 2016 in Magical Guatemala
Join Ernesto Ortiz, author of The Akashic Records ~ Sacred Wisdom for Transformation and The Akashic Records, for an Inner exploration of the self in one of the most exotic locations in the world, culminating in a lasting commitment to a better life and world. Come to the Mayan Highlands and discover the place where the Sacred Prayer was originally given to us. Hike volcanoes, swim in the delicious waters of Lake Atitlan, reacquaint yourself with ancient knowledge and receive the Sacred Transmission of these Teachings......
And we promise you'll have lots of time to rest, play and explore on your own. If you have been looking for a crystal ball that can help you and guide you in your life.... Look no further; the Akashic Records is the answer. If you need direction, change of career, healing, inspiration, that is what you will get when you learn this material.
For more info or to reserve a space: Send an Email and See this page
Spirit Babies
Most mothers understand that it is possible to communicate with the unborn child.
This does not have to stop if the pregnancy ends in miscarriage or termination. As an intuitive, I have developed the ability to help apparently infertile couples achieve their goal. They are helped to connect with the spirit of the child who was lost to them, or not yet conceived.
Before birth, babies are undoubtedly aware of their mother's and father's thoughts and feelings. They are in still the spirit realm, therefore less restricted than most humans in their field of knowing.
A couple who have suffered a miscarriage may need help in communicating with the child, which may have reasons for being afraid to come. Spirit Babies are very specific about the reasons for choosing their parents (citing interests the parents have, which they had not told me) or past life/geographical data about the parents which are relevant to the choice of parents.
Do you wish to communicate with the child you are meant to have?
Christine Nightingale
At JukeBoxAlive.com, you can use a multitude of music services. Upload music, listen to music, share music with your friends, and even make new friends.
Most of the services are available with a free musician account and advanced features are available for less than 20 cents a day. If you have music you want to share with the world, JBA is the perfect music promotion website for music marketing and exposure.
For more info see the website.